The Locklear farm near Maxton, North Carolina, afforded great photo ops–I loved to stop by and just look around. One day I ventured to ask Mr. Locklear if I could take a picture of him reading his Bible. I used up nearly two rolls of film trying to get what I thought would be my best photographic effort. It is a classic scene of the changing South during the late 1950s with daily Bible reading by a kerosene lamp. For these people, Bible study was deeply rooted in all aspects of life. His humble expression is evident.
For most of my life, I’ve been interested in the fate of The Lost Colony. I ventured to theorize that the Lumbees helped save the colony’s struggling residents and joined with them as friends and eventually as family. I’ve wondered if Mr. Locklear could be a descendant of those presumed lost from the colony on Roanoke Island.
Mr. Locklear and Bible
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